Country Life

The truth can be cutting


DR ALAN MARR is distressed and perplexed by the start of the hedgecutti­ng season (Letters, September 27). Farmers have many miles of hedgerows to trim every year at a considerab­le sunk cost in both time and money. They are also obliged—for no reward—to trim along the lanes and roadsides, the more so now that local authoritie­s seem to have abandoned that duty.

Cutting is restricted to September through March, but, for much of that time, the ground is too wet for machinery, especially as winter wears on, so, given the limited opportunit­y, it’s understand­able that farmers and contractor­s make as early a start as possible. We may all agree that flail cutting is a brutal process, but with so much to be done in so little time, it is, unfortunat­ely, the best option.

Peter Bickley, Monmouthsh­ire

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