Country Life

The grate debate

Woodburner­s versus open fires: Arabella Youens discusses the merits of both, plus best log baskets


Ubers are not the only thing the Mayor of London is trying to ban from the capital; he’s also leading the fight against the wood-burning stove.

In the country, most houses need a powerful source of heat in the depths of winter to boost or counter the cost of having the central heating on all day. However, the role of fire isn’t just about warmth; there’s no doubt that dancing flames—in an open grate or behind a glass —is a sure-fire way of bringing atmosphere into a room.

‘Aficionado­s can get obsessive about which wood creates the best results’

As interior decorator emma simshildit­ch says: ‘Fireplaces appeal to all the senses, with the illuminati­on of a flame lighting a room on a cold winter’s evening and smoke gently pluming out of the chimney. There’s nothing more inviting than returning home from a walk to a gently burning fire.’

emma burns of sybil Colefax & John Fowler goes as far to say that a room isn’t ‘complete’ without a fireplace or stove. she’s a particular advocate of the tiled stoves used throughout Northern europe and russia, having recently installed one, covered in intense blue ceramic tiles, in the upstairs room of a log building. ‘I like fires burning in grates all year round— the flickering flames give such life to a room.’

Open fires

The warmth from a roaring log fire permeates the entire house with a delicious aroma—aficionado­s can get quite obsessive about which wood cocktail creates the best results, including apple, pear and cherry or, if you can get it, olive, which has an excellent slow burn with a hint of the Mediterran­ean.

The fireplace in full splendour also acts as the focal point of the room, drawing guests into its space in a convivial manner that’s perfect for entertaini­ng. ‘Nothing beats a classic fireplace in my opinion,’ says designer and decorator Joanna Wood. ‘A statement mantelpiec­e gives you the opportunit­y to create a structured seated group around it.’

Although they come out on top in terms of atmosphere, open fires are, however, an inefficien­t method of heating. The uncontroll­ed airflow draws air from the rest of the house up the chimney at the same time as the heat from the fire.


Wood-burners deliver a constant radiant heat. Most agree that they’re 80% efficient and come with both the ability to regulate the heat they provide and how fast they burn their fuel. because the wood is shut away within the cast-iron casing, providing the flue is checked and cleaned on an annual basis, they can be left to burn without constant supervisio­n. And, as they don’t require any surround and can be fitted into a corner,

they create a less formal focal point than an open fire—a solution that, according to Joanna, is particular­ly suitable for a kitchen/ breakfast room or family room.

Edward Bulmer, a Herefordsh­ire-based interior designer with his own range of paints, is currently replacing an old boiler in the office and replacing it with a woodburnin­g stove. ‘Stoves burn more efficientl­y than open fires, but neither is, frankly, ecofriendl­y as they emit more CO2 than gas. However, managing trees for fuel is significan­tly better than using gas as it’s potentiall­y carbon-neutral overall,’ he says.

Aside from the environmen­tal aspect, wood-burners have another strength, adds Edward: ‘Inserting a stove into a historic fireplace should not involve the loss of a period grate ideally. They can, however, solve the performanc­e issues in big fireplaces without the need for structural alteration.’

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? La Rochelle fire surround, £5,394 with Beaumont wood-burning stove, £1,749, Chesney’s (020–7561 8280, www.chesneys.
La Rochelle fire surround, £5,394 with Beaumont wood-burning stove, £1,749, Chesney’s (020–7561 8280, www.chesneys.
 ??  ?? Dyrham Stone Fireplace, £8,160 (020– 7730 2122;
Dyrham Stone Fireplace, £8,160 (020– 7730 2122;

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