Country Living (UK)

Cheer on the salmon run


DWINDLING HOURS OF DAYLIGHT AND THE SILHOUETTE­S OF LEAFLESS TREES remind us winter is on its way. But, while much of nature slumbers, fast-flowing waters are full of life. Silvery flashes rise from rivers as wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) power their way upstream, battling strong currents and turbulent depths. Launching themselves through obstacles including weirs and waterfalls, the fish leap high into the air – driven by the instinct to return to their birthplace, where they will spawn. During this epic journey they don’t feed, and at its end many perish, but newly laid eggs – on the gravelly riverbeds – signify the next life cycle. Keep an eye on rivers in your area, particular­ly where they change level, or head to Stainforth Force on the River Ribble or Cenarth Falls in Pembrokesh­ire, for your best chance to see this natural wonder. Find out more at wildlifetr­­fe.

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