Country Walking Magazine (UK)

Your letters, emails & posts

The man who walked his 60-mile commute, and would you rather...


Just wanted to say a huge thank you to your fabulous magazine for inspiring me to do the #walk1000mi­les challenge. I signed up on Boxing Day 2016, with a huge sense of purpose and determinat­ion that 2017 would be the year that I would actually stick to a New Year’s resolution. I wasn’t sure if I would ever actually reach the epic 1000-mile milestone, but I was determined to give it a go... Now here I am having reached the 1000 miles and aiming to walk another 1000 by the end of summer! With a bit of careful planning, I managed to reach 1000 miles on what would have been my Dad’s 80th birthday.

I just cannot believe how fabulous walking can make you feel! I started the challenge as a bit of a tortoise, only managing a couple of miles a day but now I’m doing at least 10 miles a day and feel so much better for it! Just getting out there, come rain or shine, improves my mood and brings clarity if I’m having a down day, as well as all the other obvious benefits of exercising more. I began by borrowing my friend’s dogs as the motivation to go out for walks and have met so many lovely people and pooches along the way. Happy hounds equals happy humans!

The positivity, humour and the encouragem­ent from like-minded people is what keeps me putting one foot in front of the other and continuing onwards with this epic challenge. Thank you once again.

Gina Crees, Email

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