Daily Express



IN HER speech yesterday Theresa May went beyond acknowledg­ing solely that Britain had voted for Brexit and that that vote must be respected. She chose to highlight ways in which she seeks to deal with some of the many problems and injustices that motivated so many people to vote Leave.

This newspaper began its crusade to get Britain out of the EU more than six years ago. We always knew that our efforts were popular with our readers and that there were plenty of honest and decent politician­s on our side.

But despite the growing clamour for change frontbench politician­s from all parties in Westminste­r thought they could get away with turning a blind eye to the issues that were raised.

They refused to talk about immigratio­n, integratio­n or the growing power of the bureaucrat­s in Brussels.

They ignored the huge costs of membership, the damaging impact of protection­ist tariffs and the mountains of EU red tape.

These were dismissed as fringe issues but in reality, as the referendum proved, a large majority of British voters were sick of these problems and of the Brussels regime that created them.

At last we have a Prime Minister who is not only willing to listen but understand­s the importance of delivering a real Brexit.

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