Daily Express


- James Delingpole Political commentato­r

FAR too often when I open the papers it’s as if I’ve been transporte­d to a parallel universe in which all the rules of common sense and logic have been suspended, where shrill, bullying minorities tyrannise normal folk.

Let me list some of the stories that have caused me to drop my marmalade recently and see whether you’re as mystified as I am by this bizarre new world we inhabit.

A lesbian comedian has been vilified for choosing to dance with a man rather than another woman on Strictly Come Dancing. A gay vicar on the same show has said it’s about time men were allowed to ballroom dance with men too.

A Christian couple are trying to sue their child’s primary school because it now allows boys to turn up in a dress, meanwhile across Britain more and more schools are – at considerab­le expense – replacing single sex toilets with gender neutral ones.

A supermarke­t allows a check-out assistant not to sell alcohol because the interests of his particular religious faith are deemed to override those of customers wanting to do their shopping, another removes cross symbols from its packaging lest Muslims feel offended.

But at the same time a Conservati­ve MP belonging to a faith with much more deeprooted British traditions is told that his honestly expressed religious views on the sanctity of heterosexu­al marriage are so extreme that he can never hope to become prime minister.

ASERGEANT with Sussex police has criticised supermarke­ts for selling tampons in their “feminine hygiene” section – apparently this is a form of gender discrimina­tion against “men” who might want to use such products too.

A Left-wing female MP writes a piece – in the Guardian of all places – about the phenomenon in which thousands of mostly white girls have been sexually abused by predatory Muslim gangs. The MP thinks it’s disgracefu­l that people have mentioned the religious and racial background­s of the gangs – racism, she argues, can be worse than rape.

Thousands of British girls – 5,700 in 2015/2016 alone – have been subjected to the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation. So far there has not been a single prosecutio­n for this crime.

I could go on but you get the idea. Though at first glance the stories all seem wildly different, actually they have much in common. Each inverts our familiar customs, tradition, common sense and observable truths and replaces them with a topsy turvy one of warped values, false narratives and outrageous double standards in which the rules appear to have been written by lunatics.

Take for example the obsession with “gender fluidity”. It can’t be stressed enough what an impertinen­ce this is. We are being bullied – against all our instincts and judgment – into pretending to ignore one of the most basic and obvious truths of human existence: that girls and boys are different.

Sure we know that some people are born with “gender issues” but they are and always have been a very tiny minority. Of course they deserve being treated with sensitivit­y and at a push – though they quite often regret it, even to the point of suicide – hormones or surgery.

But in what crazed universe, pray, should this minority suddenly be allowed to dictate our entire social agenda, from the pronouns we’re supposed to call them by to where our children are allowed to go for a pee at school?

So who are the ghastly people responsibl­e for all this nonsense? Well some are feminists and some are single-issue campaigner­s for Roma, Muslim or LGBT rights. But they are all profession­al offence-takers and though they’re a tiny minority they’re an extremely vocal one which has become increasing­ly powerful thanks to the collision of three modern phenomena.

ONE is the internet which, through social media, enables these pettifoggi­ng grievance-mongers to conspire and lobby and give the impression of being a much more representa­tive force than they really are.

Another is our politicall­y correct public culture in which once-sturdy institutio­ns such as the police, the universiti­es, even the church have lost their moral compass and sense of purpose. Instead of sticking up for things they should believe in they cave in at the slightest pressure from whichever minority group fancies a pop.

And the third is the madness of cultural relativism which has hijacked our education system, universiti­es especially, and churned out a generation or more of ideologues with a weaponised sense of entitlemen­t and an urge to inflict their brand of “social justice” on the world.

This is where all the nonsense about transgende­rism comes from and also all that silliness about pulling down the statues of historical figures who did un-PC things hundreds of years ago before the Guardian existed to tell us how to think; and the stuff about “microaggre­ssions” (accidental­ly offending a racial minority, say, by asking them where they come from); and the ludicrous notion that we shouldn’t judge other people’s cultures which is why, while we’re happy to beat up on ourselves if we’re white, Christian and British, we’re apparently in no position to criticise Islam for wanting to mutilate young girls’ genitalia.

All the people and institutio­ns which subscribe to the lunacy I have described are also the ones that didn’t want Brexit. Brexit was a commonsens­e revolution against a liberal elite so out of touch with reality it might as well inhabit a different planet. Well they’re welcome to it. Now it’s time they gave us our one back.

‘A minority dictates our social agenda’

 ?? Picture: BBC ?? PARTNERS: The Rev Richard Coles and Dianne Buswell
Picture: BBC PARTNERS: The Rev Richard Coles and Dianne Buswell
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