Daily Express

A dog enriches life and makes a home complete


READER Andrew Roberts is not a dog lover (Letters, September 12) so it’s obvious that he has not discovered just how much a dog can enrich your life.

A dog, if treated with love and care, is the most loyal and dedicated friend you’ll ever have.

My dog sadly had to be put to sleep when he was 14 and even now, years later, I still miss him.

One warm sunny day I suddenly felt ill and went to lie down, leaving my dog lying in the sunshine just outside the door.

I fell asleep and will never forget being nuzzled awake by a wet nose as he whined softly knowing that something was wrong. His concern was so great he jumped up and lay down beside me.

A dog for me makes a home complete and since I lost my old sweet love, my house seems so empty.

Jean Norfolk, Knottingle­y, W Yorks

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