Daily Express



Alphapuzzl­e® tests your logic and word power. Each grid number represents a letter. Every letter of the alphabet is used. Use the given letter or letters — below the main grid — to start. Solution tomorrow. DIFFICULTY: 8/10; TARGET: 27 mins; CLUE: Coiled up and yielding. YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Across: Deal, Platform, Inertia, Pleat, Undue, Sizzle, Resist, Sniper, Remark, Mania, Ailed, Mahjong, Horsebox, Cede. Down: Daiquiri, Wash, Amend, Stellar, Steers, Addle, Liaise, Akimbo, Topaz, Nymphs, Overlap, Noose, Mate (clue), Triangle.

 ??  ?? EXTRA LETTER CLUES: 0907 181 2568 (Hear up to six Extra Letters, deduct two minutes for each clue letter heard) Alternativ­ely, for six extra letter clues direct to your mobile, text DXALPHA to 88010. Texts cost £1 plus normal network operator rate....
EXTRA LETTER CLUES: 0907 181 2568 (Hear up to six Extra Letters, deduct two minutes for each clue letter heard) Alternativ­ely, for six extra letter clues direct to your mobile, text DXALPHA to 88010. Texts cost £1 plus normal network operator rate....

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