Daily Express



Cutting tools (8) Image or statue (4) Employment (5) Planet (6) Songbird (4) Garland of flowers (3) Temporary stand-in for a doctor (5) Place an upper limit on (3) Scheme (4) Irritated (6) Exclusive (5) Golf pegs (4) Catches in a trap (8) Cricket term (3,6) Nucleus (4) Sunblock (9) Used to be (3) Frigidness (9) Cut short (7) Summarise (3,2) Bomb thrown by hand (7) Group of nine (5) Look lascivious­ly (4) Pointed metal fastener (3) YESTERDAY’S SOLuTION cent centre cere cert cite citron coin coir cone core corn cornet cote coterie cretin crone eject ejection ejector encore enteric entice enticer erect erection erotic icon inject neoteric nice nicer niece noetic notice once oncer recent recit recite recto reject REJECTION rejoice rice terce tierce tonic torc toric trice otic

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