Daily Express

These gas price rises are now putting lives at risk


WHAT a shocking indictment of our society: the 3.8 per cent rise in British Gas’s standard variable tariff will trigger winter deaths among the elderly, according to campaigner­s. These are the people who must choose quite literally between eating and heating. They are the most vulnerable and they will suffer the most. They are also the least likely to switch between suppliers and the least likely to understand how to get the best deal.

We know that businesses need to run a profit but it seems unduly cynical that as soon as the cap is lifted then prices rise too. This comes just months after a previous price rise on the part of British Gas and nor is that company alone. All the big six have upped their prices and it is the consumer as ever who bears the brunt in the form of another knock to the wallet.

And while businesses must make a profit this is an essential service as well. Society and individual households cannot run without access to electricit­y and gas. We need a proper debate about the future of these industries: are these price hikes really justifiabl­e? What can we do to help those they affect most? The public is increasing­ly sceptical about the energy industry, especially when it sees the colossal sums those at the top are paid. If it wants to regain our trust, it should act.

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