Daily Mail

Relax . ..it could be Red Ken


THE Tories may think they’ve had a real result with the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader. But they’ve actually had a lucky escape.

Ken Livingston­e has popped up again to remind Labour what they’re missing. If Red Ken was still in Parliament, he’d now be leading his party, not Corbyn.

however obnoxious some of his views, Livingston­e is still box office in a way Corbyn isn’t. he’s also a formidable operator and twice won election as London’s mayor, before losing to Boris Johnson.

It is entirely conceivabl­e that under Livingston­e, Labour could have won the 2020 General Election. Ukip will fade in the north after the EU referendum and if the economy tanks, the slim Tory majority will go with it.

This is, of course, pure speculatio­n. But as I don’t believe Boy George will succeed Call Me Dave, we could well have been looking at a re-run of Ken versus Boris for the keys to Number 10.

Seems like we’ve all dodged a bullet.

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