Daily Mail

... and the meddlers who want parenting lessons for everyone

- By Eleanor Harding Education Correspond­ent

ALL parents should be taught how to bring up their children by the Government, Britain’s top public health expert claims.

John Ashton insisted the state must step in to prevent chaotic parenting and reduce mentalheal­th issues among youngsters.

The president of the Faculty of Public Health said they were being neglected by bad parents and ‘sweatshop’ schools, leaving them irreparabl­y damaged with stress, anxiety, anorexia and obesity.

His proposals were welcomed by midwives and children’s campaigner­s – while critics said they risked making parents feel they were no longer trusted.

Professor Ashton claimed 10 per cent of children had a mentalheal­th problem – and a poor relationsh­ip with parents was one of the biggest causes. He added: ‘We’ve done remarkably well in

‘Parents know what is best’

terms of producing healthy babies over the last 70 years. But by the time children are leaving school, between 10 and 15 per cent are in trouble emotionall­y or mentally.

‘So having produced healthy babies we set about neglecting them. I can’t imagine a sensible farmer doing this with livestock.’

David Cameron has said he wants to make it ‘aspiration­al’ to attend parenting classes.

Professor Ashton suggested that midwives might deliver the classes. He said: ‘If you see it as an extension of the antenatal support that women get through midwives and health visitors, it raises the public-health role of midwives.’

But Chris McGovern, of the Campaign for Real Education, said: ‘Most parents instinctiv­ely know what is best for their child.’

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