Daily Mail

Arthritis that can lead to more than stiff joints


PEOPLE living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) might feel they have enough to contend with in the form of painful joints.

Yet the latest research shows that they are also at three times the usual risk of developing depression, while 89 per cent are affected by chronic fatigue.

And those with RA are also more likely to develop heart disease.

This is because the inflammati­on doesn’t just affect the joints, but also affects the blood vessels, lowers the amount of good cholestero­l and makes the blood more prone to clot.

This auto-immune condition is often confused with osteoarthr­itis, a wear and tear disease. But it’s actually very different, as in RA the immune system attacks the joint tissue, causing inflammati­on, stiffness, pain and extreme fatigue.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week, which started on Monday, is putting the spotlight on RA, to help people understand what it is like to live with this systemic condition.

The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) particular­ly wants to increase awareness of early symptoms, such as stiffness, swelling and fatigue, to encourage people to seek treatment and support as early as possible.

For more informatio­n, visit nras.org.uk.

 ??  ?? Saddle seat: Allows you to spread the weight and avoid too much bending
Saddle seat: Allows you to spread the weight and avoid too much bending

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