Daily Mail

College professors ‘take drugs to help them focus’


UNIVERSITY professors are taking so-called ‘study drugs’ to aid them at work, a scientist has claimed.

Hannah Critchlow, a neuroscien­tist at Cambridge University, said that around 20 per cent of academics are now taking drugs that help them focus.

Prescripti­on drugs like Modafinil or Ritalin are used to treat conditions including attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder and Alzheimer’s disease.

Though they are prescripti­on drugs, they can be easily purchased online, and are increasing­ly being taken by students to help them focus in exams, as well as by top professors applying for research funding.

She told an audience at the festival: ‘One in five academic professors admit to taking them in order to help them with their grant writing and their committee meeting concentrat­ion.’

Charlotte Rampling said her film career was very nearly ruined before it even started when in 1966 a naked photograph of her sat on a chamber pot was published in a book.

Miss Rampling, 71, said: ‘For the first time and last time ever in my life I questioned what I had done. I could have actually ruined my career.’

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