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Amid all the exciting mars energy, some supportive, more subtle aspects are taking place, too. Today, articulate and considerat­e mercury makes a harmonious ‘trine’ angle with the deeply intense and insightful Pluto. it suggests that, with a little effort, hidden messages can be gleaned and we should read between the lines when assessing informatio­n coming our way. There’s no reason to fear what might be discovered. There’s more than a chance that we’ll really appreciate what we find.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

PROFESSION­ALS are paid fat fees to provide definitive answers to difficult questions. They won’t increase their status (or income) by uttering those three magic words: ‘I don’t know.’ Sometimes, of course, they don’t. And then, because they daren’t admit it, they bluff. As Mars and Uranus link up today, it might feel as though you’re making a breakthrou­gh, but you’re being told otherwise by someone who seems to have more authority than you. Don’t just assume that they have all the answers. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make June great! Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

THINK of the strangers you pass in the street or who live just a short way from your door. Yet your lives don’t intertwine. They could be people who need help that it might be a pleasure for you to offer . . . or be in a position to give you assistance. But how would you ever know? When we’re sensitive, we can sometimes tune in to the thoughts and feelings of those around us, just as we can sometimes tell what loved ones are going through, even when they’re many miles away. Listen to your intuition today. All you need to know about June is crammed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

YOUR ruler aligns harmonious­ly with Pluto today, helping to reveal what has been shrouded in darkness. And as it reveals what’s hidden, Mars and Uranus provide the energy and ideas to deal with what comes to light. In effect it all says: ‘This is what you’ve been worrying about! Why have you been so bothered? Can’t you see that for all that there’s a problem, there’s an amazing opportunit­y?’ Until now you probably couldn’t see this. But you’ll start to. And that’s good news. I’ve got lots to tell you about June — and you’re going to like it. For four minutes of really helpful news, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

THE nature of your ruler, the Moon, is always to make a lot of important angles very briefly. These might stir deep emotional reactions in you, but they soon pass. What’s different about the current celestial climate is the way action-packed Mars aligns with exciting Uranus, which is about to form a link with Venus. You’ve started to see something that has long needed to be recognised. Soon you’ll find something constructi­ve to do about all of this. If you look for inspiratio­n today, you’ll find it. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make June great! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WHAT’S wrong with someone’s way of dealing with a tricky situation? Noticing the existence of a problem is a good first step towards fixing it, but it’s not enough on its own. After we become aware of a difficulty, we have to start taking constructi­ve steps — even if these involve being friendly and forgiving towards the very people we suspect have created the trouble. A near-angelic attitude is required of you today, but it could produce an outcome that feels like a form of divine interventi­on. All you need to know about June is crammed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WHY do some people seem to get away with anything while the rest of us find that if we so much as put a foot wrong, we’re in trouble? Of course, we don’t really know what’s going on in the others’ lives — appearance­s can be deceptive. Perhaps those who break rules with apparent impunity find that the cosmos redresses the balance in another way. You needn’t worry about ‘unfair’ things happening. As your ruler makes a harmonious connection with Pluto, rather delightful justice will be done. I’ve got lots to tell you about June — and you’re going to like it. For four minutes of really helpful news, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

AS VENUS and Saturn prepare to align in harmony, old quarrels can be patched up. Tough questions can be answered. Disputes can be resolved. No matter how ambitious your aspiration, you’ll find a way to move ahead. The coming days might or might not bring you classic romance, but they’ll provide proof you’re not stuck. Wherever a way forward truly needs to be found, it will be found. What’s more, it will remain viable as long as you need to keep making progress. Just try not to run before you can walk. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make June great! Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

ALL you want now is for someone to listen to reason, someone who can see an obvious answer to a troublesom­e question. Yet no one else seems interested in this. Either they’re too entrenched in a position or too consumed by a deep-set worry. How can you hope to persuade anyone of the value of your approach? By trying your best to take control! By opening your mouth and talking! Mercury blesses you with an amazing ability to say the right thing, in the right way, to help bring about the right result. All you need to know about June is crammed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

PEOPLE who accomplish great things rarely, if ever, know exactly what they’re doing. They allow themselves to be free to experiment. They try to learn from their mistakes and don’t fire off in too many directions at once. They instinctiv­ely understand that they must leave room to be guided by intuition and inspiratio­n. That’s true whether you are a scientist, politician or artist. So, as confident Mars links to challengin­g Uranus, permit yourself this today. I’ve got lots to tell you about June — and you’re going to like it. For four minutes of really helpful news, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IN SOME cultures, buildings are deliberate­ly left unfinished. Even if the entire structure is an intricate work of art, one little section is kept incomplete. It’s a spiritual gesture, an acknowledg­ement of the idea that nothing man-made can ever be perfect. When we claim to have it all or pretend that we’ve solved all our problems, we’re kidding ourselves. To be human is to wrestle with incompatib­le urges. Something in your world, though far from complete, is perfect in its own way. Are you ready for a brand new month? Your prediction for the next 30 days is ready. Make June great! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

PEOPLE often ask if some signs are more fortunate than others. I really don’t think so. But it’s fair to say there are times when some signs definitely seem to be getting a better deal than others. Both of your rulers have either just been, or are about to be, involved in energising and encouragin­g aspects with Mars and Venus. As astrologic­al advantages go, that’s impressive. You can’t have everything you want, just the way you want it. But you can look forward to a surprising­ly helpful set of changes. All you need to know about June is crammed into your four-minute forecast. Make it a magical month, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

ALL but the most insensitiv­e sometimes suffer from anxiety, guilt or selfreproa­ch. These are natural feelings and, in small quantities, they play a part in a healthy psychologi­cal outlook. How awful to be overconfid­ent, impervious to all criticisms and convinced that your judgment is infallible! But, with Mars recently opposite Saturn, you’ve spent too much time doubting yourself. You really don’t need to feel bad about anything today. In fact, events start to justify a renewed sense of excitement. I’ve got lots to tell you about June — and you’re going to like it. For four minutes of really helpful news, call 0906 751 5612.

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