Daily Mail

BACH FAMILY: Harpsichor­d Concertos (Erato 9029588846)


IN THE 1730s you could have heard some terrific music at the Cafe Zimmermann in Leipzig. In charge of the Collegium Musicum, the resident band, was J.S. Bach — and his three sons also provided pieces for the patrons. Harpsichor­dist Jean Rondeau has chosen works by all four, and plays them brilliantl­y with just six period instrument­alists. We get two concertos by J.S. Bach, the famous D minor and the F minor, and eldest son W.F. is represente­d by a sonata movement which Rondeau has arranged for the group. An unusual F minor Concerto is attributed to J.C. Bach and C.P.E. Bach contribute­s a typically forceful concerto in D minor.

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