Daily Mail

The right treatment


Dr MAX PeMBerTON claims that NhS funding is at a record high and the difficulti­es it faces are due to the pressures put on the service, and not cuts to funding (Mail).

According to the health Foundation and Institute of Fiscal Studies, health spending as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) is down since 2010.

In 2015, Britain spent 7.6 per cent of its GDP on healthcare, which is below France (8.7 per cent) and Germany (9.4 per cent).

The UK was ranked first out of 11 developed countries for efficiency in a widely cited 2014 report by the Commonweal­th Fund. We have one of the most efficient healthcare systems in the world, yet it is failing due to insufficie­nt funding.

TIM HOOD, Stafford.

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