Daily Mail

Civilisati­on equals charity


I AM astonished that some people with certain political views have called for state benefits to be withdrawn from unemployed people who do not accept the job they are offered. When the monasterie­s were founded they were the source of charity for those who had nothing.

By the 20th century, the Government — despite fierce opposition — had stepped in to provide the dole and OAP pension.

Now in the 21st century, some people are so opposed to the civilised standards that have been developed over 1,000 years that they cannot comprehend the idea of kindness, which monks once showed to the world in the Dark Ages.

The centuries have taught most of us to show concern for the helpless and the beggar, but some are still proud to declare their indifferen­ce and contempt for the poor.

According to our ethical standards developed through time, even drunken, drug-addicted, thieving vandals are superior to those who lack charity. C. N. WESTERMAN, Brynna, Mid Glam.

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