Daily Mail



ACROSS 1 Lines on a weather map (7) 5 Dispatch (4) 7 To place (3) 8 Most advanced group or position (8) 9 Spools (5) 10 Pig sound (4) 13 Domesticat­e (4) 14 Minute particle (4) 18 Bucket (4) 19 Berry used in making wine (5) 21 Sheets, pillowcase­s, etc. (3,5) 22 Hand tool (3) 23 Earth’s satellite (4) 24 Make or become clearer (7) DOWN 1 Majestic (8) 2 Unawares or unprepared (2,3,3) 3 To counsel (6) 4 Older in years (6) 5 Strabismus (6) 6 Standard (4) 11 Japanese port (8) 12 Necropolis (8) 15 Fish with a spear-like bill (6) 16 Specialise­d hospital (6) 17 Schedule (6) 20 Nought (4)

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