Daily Mail

Dire warning


VINCe CABLe seems to forget that the ‘overwhelmi­ngly elderly’ people who voted for Brexit were once the far- sighted young people of the seventies who voted to join the Common Market.

This was despite some of the ‘overwhelmi­ngly elderly’ people claiming that it was all a plot to create a United states of europe with a single currency and a single parliament controlled by Germany and backed up by france, and that national borders would be erased along with national identities through mass immigratio­n.

Oh, how we laughed at them, we young people who knew better.

GEORGE MANN, Nottingham. JUdGING by Vince Cable’s pearls of wisdom, is it not time to have a byelection in Twickenham as the electorate clearly didn’t understand who they were voting for. Mrs K. COOPER, Oldham, Lancs.

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