Daily Mail


by Jean E. Pendziwol (W&N £14.99)


FOSTERED out after her grandfathe­r’s death, Morgan is a music-loving tearaway.

Ordered to do community service at the Boreal retirement Home after tagging their fence with graffiti, she meets a blind resident, elizabeth livingston­e.

When journals written by elizabeth’s father are found aboard a wrecked boat, she asks Morgan to read them to her.

As they piece together the truth of what happened on Porphyry Island, where elizabeth and her sister emily grew up, both Morgan and elizabeth discover unexpected connection­s between them.

this is a beautiful novel that moves back and forth in time as Pendziwol weaves a story full of unexpected twists. Her evocation of the isolated island and lake superior are superb, as are the two very different voices of the characters telling the tale.

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