Daily Mail

We can


all sleep a little safer in our beds tonight, for the three would-be jihadists who dubbed themselves the Three Musketeers (plus another conspirato­r) have been jailed for life for plotting a mass-casualty attack on a police or military target in the UK. Old Bailey judge Mr Justice Globe said the men were gripped by a ‘radical, violent ideology’. When police arrested them they found weapons including a meat cleaver with ‘kafir’(infidel) scratched on the blade, and a partially constructe­d pipe bomb. Terrifying. Yet two female jurors didn’t quite see it that way. During the trial they giggled and discussed a handsome police officer in the case. One even had a conversati­on with him along the lines of ‘my mate fancies you’. It seems that even terrorism is a bit of a lark to some of today’s self-obsessed nincompoop­s.

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