Daily Mail



How your job can affect your health. This week: Sailors and eye problems

SAILORS are particular­ly at risk of cataracts and pterygiums (growths that develop across the cornea, the clear dome at the front of the eye), according to Robert Scott, a consultant ophthalmol­ogist at BMI The Priory Hospital.

‘You get more exposure to ultraviole­t light at sea, because it’s reflected off water. So it’s important to wear sunglasses.’

Meanwhile, having to bend over patients’ mouths all day can give dentists back problems, particular­ly of the thoracic (or middle) spine, says North London-based physiother­apist Sammy Margo.

They may get pain and stiffness in the middle back and can develop thoracic kyphosis — curvature of the back.

As the thoracic spine becomes stiff, the neck and lower back can over-compensate, leading to stiffness in those areas, too. Over time, this can lead to arthritis.

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