Daily Mail



WHAT would you do next on each hand in the above auction?

The sole purpose of the support Double, now fashionabl­e among serious tournament players, is to announce you have precisely 3-card support for partner’s bid major — after Rho intervenes. Using this method, you would be expected to double on hand (a), and a raise to 2 ♠ would then promise four spades.

a good acol player might well prefer a 2 ♠ rebid to 2 ♦ here if there had been no interventi­on. It’s a mystery why bridge boffins continue to tamper tirelessly with natural bidding methods, then advocate the use of their ideas, which have only limited appeal — and only to a very tiny minority of players. The presumed benefit of this ‘support Double’ is that partner will be able to judge better, whether to compete at the three-level (if he has only four spades) when east raises preemptive­ly to 3 ♣ .

What happens when you hold hand (b) and hear the same auction? Presumably you want to punish West’s interventi­on with a penalty double, but you can’t — this will show three spades.

Instead you must let the opponents off the hook, either by bidding 2NT, or passing in the hope that partner will reopen with a competitiv­e double — very unreal and unnecessar­y!

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