Daily Mail

Be firm, Coleen


THE treatment by Wayne Rooney of his wife Coleen is abhorrent, but I do think Bel Mooney is wrong to advise her to give him another chance (Mail).

As the wife of a serial adulterer whom I adored, I closed my eyes to my partner’s many betrayals, and I even ignored a phone call from his commanding officer telling me of his latest conquest.

What I couldn’t ignore was the sexual disease he gave me. How many times is Coleen expected to forgive?

Name and address supplied. I HAD to smile when I read Bel Mooney’s advice.

Women married to fabulously wealthy, feckless footballer­s do precisely nothing in these circumstan­ces.

When faced with giving up their luxurious lifestyle, selfrespec­t takes second place.

DENNIS FISHER, Leeds. HOW can Wag- in- Chief Coleen Rooney hold up her head in public again? Her husband was caught driving a VW Beetle. PAUL CHARLES COOK,


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