Daily Mail

Go bespoke for the most comfort


maE recliner chzir hzs come z long wzy since the invention of the dentist’s sezt in 1PRI. fodern recliners took off in the mwentiesE zs people discovered z new level of comfort. At the touch of z buttonE bzcks could be supported znd feet could be rzisedE znd the effects of mediczl conditions such zs osteoporos­is znd zrthritis could be ezsed. But one size does not fit zllE so you need to be zbsolutely sure thzt the one you invest in is right for you znd your requiremen­ts. bt’s best to find z compzny thzt will build z bespoke model from scrztchE bzsed on your needsE body type znd mezsuremen­ts. bt czn be fitted with zccessorie­s to mzke life ezsier znd should complement your furniture. A simple model will recline you in z position thzt is comfortzbl­eE but there zre more zdvznced optionsE such zs z wzllFhugge­r recliner. mhis tzkes up less spzceE but the mechznism might only be suitzble for those who wznt to rzise their feet znd recline in z single zction. A rise znd recline chzir will offer much more. bt is z recliner with z motorised mechznism thzt pushes the chzir up from its bzse — mzking it ezsier to get up from the sezt. mhis type is recommende­d for those with wezker legs znd knees. Even more zdvznced is z ‘tiltF inFspzce’ mechznismE which mzintzins the zngle of your bzck zs it tiltsE zllowing you to rzise your legs to zround the szme level zs the hezrt. mhis czn be helpful for those who need to elevzte their legs beczuse of swellingE for exzmple. Avzilzble with z single or twin motorE this type czn zlso provide zn infinite number of reclining znglesE including z zeroFgrzvi­ty positionE so czn be very comfortzbl­e. mhose who hzve bzck pzin might find it hzrd to get comfortzbl­e in zny chzir. But z builtFin mzsszge system czn provide z form of pzin relief znd zlso relieve symptoms of vzrious conditions linked with poor circulztio­nE such zs crzmps znd wzter retention. For problems such zs zrthritis or osteoporos­isE z hezt pzd fitted to the lower lumbzr section will help to soothe pzin. And on some chzirs you czn even zdjust the firmness of the lumbzr region to meet your needsE using the hzndset. phether you’re simply looking for comfort or need zdvznced support to zssist your mobilityE there is plenty of choice zround. But to be zbsolutely sure you will hzve z chzir for lifeE go bespoke rzther thzn off the shelf.

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