Daily Mail



ALWAYS making excuses not to start exercising? Here’s why none of them will wash . . .

I’m too old: It can be tricky to find ways to get your heart beating fast when you have bad knees, sciatic disc problems or pain in your joints. Recumbent bikes, where you sit in a normal seat and pedal, mimic the motion of cycling but reduce pressure on the joints. If you have limitation­s with your legs, exercise your arms. You can also try less intense exercises such as yoga, tai chi or ballroom dancing.

I’m injured: Ask your GP for recommenda­tions and focus on exercising uninjured areas.

I haven’t got time: Think about ways to modify your routine to include physical activity — take the stairs instead of the lift, for instance.

It’s raining: Wear appropriat­e clothes or exercise indoors.

I hate exercise: Combine your chosen exercise with something fun — music, audiobooks, podcasts, or gettogethe­rs with friends.

If you are unwell or on medication, consult with your GP before starting any exercise programme.

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