Daily Mail

Is it dangerous to take a sleeping pill every night?


I HAVE insomnia and rarely sleep for more than three hours a night. But when I started taking the sleeping tablet zolpidem, I slept for six or seven hours for the first time in my life. Are there any problems with using these pills long-term? Stanley Smith, via email.

BEFORE answering your specific question on the long- term use of zolpidem, I must outline current views about sleep disorders.

In short, I believe that insomnia — where someone either fails to get off to sleep, or has difficulty staying asleep — is generally not well-managed by GPs.

What is needed is a detailed assessment of lifestyle and medical history.

But this is often not done, as there isn’t enough training or enough time in a typical consultati­on. As a result, all too easily, drugs are prescribed rather than considerin­g other therapeuti­c approaches, such as cognitive behavioura­l therapy or, indeed, all underlying causes for these problems — for example, mood or life adversity.

The ease with which these sleeping pills are prescribed increases the likelihood of the major problem associated with all of them: dependence.

Over the years, I have seen numerous classes of sleeping pills being used — including barbiturat­es, certain benzodiaze­pines and, more recently, the ‘z drugs’, such as the zolpidem you have been taking.

All of these drugs affect nerve pathways deep in the brain associated with regulating wakefulnes­s. The problem is that their effect on brain chemicals — which, in many cases, are not fully understood — means they can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms when used for long periods.

For your informatio­n, zolpidem has a licence for the short-term treatment of insomnia and, therefore, should only be taken for a maximum of four weeks in order to avoid these problems.

But, despite reportedly helping you get to sleep, I question whether you need medication at all.

As you say in your longer letter, you’ve suffered from difficulty sleeping for years — and this prompts me to think perhaps you have primary sleep disorder, rather than insomnia.

The difference is that insomnia is sleep disruption often as a result of an event, such as a bereavemen­t or stress.

With primary sleep disorder, there does not appear to be a clear cause.

What you need is an evaluation by specialist­s at a sleep clinic. This would involve you sleeping in a laboratory overnight.

Specialist­s will record your brainwave activity, heart rate and oxygen levels while you sleep and will also take a video recording of you sleeping, in case there are any clues in the way you sleep that could suggest a cause or trigger for your sleep problems.

THE treatment that follows will depend upon the findings, but won’t be drug-based. Instead, behavioura­l therapies, which may include sleep hygiene education (for example, training you not to use your phone or TV in the bedroom), relaxation therapies or cognitive behavioura­l therapy will be recommende­d.

Whatever the recommenda­tion, the key is to stick with it.

Just as you won’t improve your physique after a week or even a month at the gym, so you need patience and determinat­ion to treat your sleep disorder.

Ask your GP about referral to a sleep clinic.

I SUFFER from peripheral neuropathy in my feet and legs. What is the cause and is there a cure? I am 70 years old.

John Hunter, St Ives, Cambridges­hire.

PERIPHERAL neuropathy is a general term that describes symptoms as a result of damage to the peripheral nerves, that run from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body, including the hands, feet and organs.

This damage means that the messages that travel along these nerves are disrupted, leading to pain (often a burning or uncomforta­ble tingling sensation) and numbness.

This can be debilitati­ng but, in most cases, is manageable.

The condition affects one in 50 people, and there can be a variety of causes.

Most commonly, this is diabetes, as high blood sugar levels damage nerves, but alcohol abuse, viruses or an injury such as a fractured bone can all trigger it.

Or it can be the result of an inherited susceptibi­lity.

A lack of vitamin B12 is another cause, as this nutrient helps with nerve signalling and function, but this will be revealed with a blood test.

More often than not, no specific cause can be found and there is no effective treatment available, other than addressing individual symptoms.

Sadly, there is little we can do for numbness, but pain can be treated with medication. From the informatio­n you have given me, it is unclear exactly what has caused the peripheral pain in your feet and legs, but it appears to me that, in your case, a number of nerves have been affected simultaneo­usly, as a large area is involved.

To distinguis­h the cause, you need a physical examinatio­n from your GP or a specialist in hospital.

This will include testing responses to light touch, the ability to distinguis­h between hot and cold and sensing vibrations (which is why doctors have a tuning fork on their desk).

This will confirm that there is a neuropathy and identifies the general area that’s damaged.

YOU will then be referred to hospital for an examinatio­n called a nerve conduction study, in which small electric shocks are applied to the damaged nerve to check the signals going through it.

This will identify the exact type of neuropathy — and the cause. This can subsequent­ly determine the treatment.

I assume that your doctor has a fair idea of what has caused your symptoms and, based on the informatio­n you have given me, I would suggest there is already a background condition such as diabetes that is considered relevant and which may need closer observatio­n.

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