Daily Mail

Should the census be gender-neutral?


I APPLAUD the proposal that declaring your sex could be optional in the 2021 census (Mail). However, I don’t think this goes far enough. Even if I choose not to give my sex, it could still be inferred from my first name. The 2011 census included all sorts of intrusive questions, such as marital status and date of birth, which is contrary to my human rights. All census questions need to be reviewed to avoid offence. I suggest every household be sent a questionna­ire asking their opinion on every question. The smaller the minority, the more oppressed it is, so any question that finds even one objector must be suitably sanitised.

BOB BELL, Croydon, Surrey. HERE is a logical solution to the census furore from someone who is gender transient. The question should be: ‘Male, female, transgende­r or other.’ No one would be liable to object or be offended by this wording. We who are trans do not wish to startle the horses or take over your world. Just ordinary equality as a part of it will be sufficient, thank you. Miss PHAEDRA KELLY, Ryde, Isle of Wight.

A PERSON who is considerin­g a transition­al gender change should tick the box of the gender they know or think they are.

NORMAN BROOKE, Wychavon, Worcs. THE census question should be: ‘What is your current gender?’ There can only be one of two answers: male or female.

ALAN STACKMAN, Calne, Wilts.

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