Daily Mail

Conspiracy? It just doesn’t add up


IF YOU haven’t already, I urge you to buy a copy of my colleague Quentin Letts’s hilarious new book, Patronisin­g Bastards: How The Elites Destroyed Britain.

For one thing Polly Toynbee absolutely hates it, which is as good a guarantee of quality as you will ever get.

For another, it has the funniest and most politicall­y incorrect descriptio­n of Camila Batmanghe- lidjh you will ever read. She, you may remember, was the woman behind Kids Company — a charity that claimed to be helping turn around the lives of tens of thousands of children.

In reality, Batmanghel­idjh was presiding over a chaotic organisati­on which went bust two years ago, shortly after the Cabinet Office had approved a new Government grant of £3 million. Now Batmanghel­idjh is back, promoting her own book, Kids, and claiming that the revelation­s (unearthed by Newsnight) that led to her downfall were all part of a Government conspiracy.

Quite why a Government would want to bring down an organisati­on in which it had already invested £47million of taxpayers’ money is anyone’s guess. But logic was never Batmanghel­idjh’s forte.

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