Daily Mail


- by Maureen Orth

(BBC £8.99) ON July 15, 1997, the fashion designer Gianni Versace was shot dead as he returned from a stroll. His murderer was 27-year-old Andrew Cunanan, who had already killed four others in three months, before shooting himself a week after Versace’s murder.

At the time of the designer’s killing, Vanity Fair journalist Maureen Orth was working on an article about Cunanan. ‘Under any other circumstan­ces,’ she writes, ‘appearing in Vanity Fair would have been Cunanan’s dream come true.’

Orth’s account of his scandalous life tells the story of a ‘beautiful child with an IQ of 147’, whose obsession with glamour, wealth and success would lead him into a sordid world of drugs, prostituti­on and violence.

Orth’s determinat­ion to uncover the truth about her subject took her to some of the darkest corners of American society. A television series based on the book airs next January.

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