Daily Mail

Give us a twirl? You’re nicked!


LIKE Thanksgivi­ng and Black Friday (see above) the current sexual abuse panic spread to Britain from across the Atlantic.

The latest ageing celebrity name in the frame is George Takei, the 80-year-old actor who played Mr Sulu in Star Trek. He says the alleged incident ‘simply did not happen’. Beam me up, Scotty. No doubt the Met’s Jimmy Savile squad is already scouring old episodes of Doctor Who in search of suspicious sexual misconduct. It can’t be long before they feel the collar of a Cyberman for harassing one of the Doctor’s lovely assistants.

Although some serious allegation­s have been made — most notably against kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein — the definition of what constitute­s sexual misconduct has been stretched to breaking point. Megyn kelly, the U.S. television presenter, has complained that she was asked to ‘twirl’ when she went for her interview at Fox News. She was 32 at the time and a trained lawyer.

Choking back tears, she said: ‘I felt degraded. I am still humiliated by that.’

( Fourteen years and a succession of multi-milliondol­lar contracts later.)

Still, wait until Scotland Yard hears about this. Bruce Forsyth’s reputation could be about to be dragged through the gutter, with detectives appealing for his ‘victims’ to come forward. The fact that Brucie, like Jimmy Savile, is dead won’t stop them. And they’ve got him bang to rights, on video. It’s no defence to say it was the Seventies, times were different then.

Every Saturday, millions of BBC viewers would tune in to the Generation Game to watch Brucie being inappropri­ate to his own lovely assistant Anthea Redfern (pictured with Brucie), who would go on to become his second wife.

This outrageous piece of sexual bullying even became one of his memorable catchphras­es, along with ‘Nice to see you, to see you nice!’ ‘Good game, good game!’ and ‘Let’s have a look at the old scoreboard!’ These days, he’d never get away with it, not without a dawn knock from the Yard’s Nonce Squad.

‘Give us a twirl, Anthea!’

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