Daily Mail

Artistic licence


DoUBTS have been raised about the authentici­ty of the world’s most expensive painting, Salvator Mundi, which has been sold for £342 million.

When I asked an art dealer to value my L.S. Lowry, he said it was a fake. Two other dealers proclaimed it was genuine, and a fourth sold it for me at auction for £14,700.

Are these self-proclaimed experts the secondhand car salesmen of the art world ?

TERRY McDONALD-DORMAN, Middleton-Saint-George, Co. Durham. THE sale of the painting Salvator Mundi, attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, raises questions about our value system.

For the same price, you could buy 1,500 average UK homes — that’s a small town. It’s also equivalent to half of the GDP of Gambia, a poor country of two million people. PETER WRIGHTSON,

Brent Pelham, Herts.

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