Daily Mail



North has bid strongly in both majors vulnerable, but West ends up in 6 ♦ , bid more as a sacrifice against 5 ♠ . But can you see a way to make it, after North leads ♠ K? Though you have only a combined 18HCPs, this sacrificia­l contract has an outside chance of making — if north is 6- 5- 1- 1 with a club honour.

You ruff the lead, cash the ♥ A and ruff a heart, ruff a spade and another heart, then a trump to dummy’s queen. When both opponents follow, ruff the last heart (on which South discards) and lead a club.

If an honour appears from north, you duck in dummy and he will be forced to lead a major, enabling you to ruff in dummy and discard a club from hand. It won’t help for South to overtake, for he would then be faced with leading up to dummy’s ♣ A10.

of course, that singleton club lead would have given declarer no chance.

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