Daily Mail

Let them eat testicles, says TV chef Roux of ‘squeamish’ Brits


TWO Michelin- starred chef Michel Roux Jr claims that we’re turning into a nation of fussy eaters.

‘Britain has become squeamish,’ says the TV personalit­y, whose new cookbook is called Les Abats — ‘offal’ in French — and includes recipes for gizzards, giblets, brains, trotters and testicles. ‘historical­ly we weren’t, and there are parts of Britain where things like tripe and black pudding are still fairly commonplac­e. But in general, people have — pardon the pun — turned their noses up.’

he adds: ‘Why should we send cuts of meat like offal to be made into lasagne, sausages or even pet food? We should be rejoicing in it.’

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