Daily Mail

ON THE MARKET . . . trusty old classics



THIS Grade II-listed, 17thcentur­y barn conversion has five bedrooms and original flagstone flooring and stone walls. It’s in a secluded setting near Ashbourne. n Bagshawsre­sidential. co.uk, 01335 346677. £550,000


IN the village of Box, four-bedroom Beehive Cottage is believed to be its second oldest house. The Cotswold property has exposed beams and a wood-burning stove. n Savills.com, 01285 627 550. £650,000


SIX- BEDROOM Crown Spindle Mill, near Skipton, retains its stone mill chimney and water wheel. In the walled garden there’s a courtyard and three stables. n Hunters.com, 01756 700544. £975,000 . ORIGINAL COPY . ORIGINAL COPY . ORIGINAL COPY ORIGINAL COPY

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