Daily Mail



MY HUSBAND’S mother used to make these. He remembers total deliciousn­ess. If you like marzipan and you like dates, then do try them.


● 12 Medjool dates ● 225g marzipan ● Juice of one lemon ● Red, green and natural food colourings

● A handful mint leaves SPLIT the dates in half and remove the stones. Take care not to damage the date halves. Knead the lemon juice into the marzipan a little at a time. Divide into three. Colour one third red and one third green by working the colouring into the marzipan (wear latex gloves if you don’t want brightly coloured fingers) and leave the remaining third uncoloured. For gel or paste colourings you’ll only need a little — for liquid colourings you’ll need more. Roll small sausages of each marzipan colour and stuff the dates with this plump, sweet filling. Decorate with mint leaves.

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