Daily Mail



After converging with the Sun yesterday, the next stop in Mercury’s busy schedule is to join Venus making a tense angle with Pluto. that’s both sweet and sour, pleasure and pain. If this were happening at another time, I’d be talking about carrots and sticks. But, with Mercury retrograde, there’s a chance of feeling stuck, in a situation that we’d rather not be in. fortunatel­y, Saturn and Neptune link creatively this weekend, bringing innovation and a chance to break out and break through.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WHEN we hear answers we don’t like, we have the right to reject them and seek an alternativ­e. But uncomforta­ble questions are a different matter. How would you feel if someone reacted to your inquiries with a straightfo­rward rebuff? As retrograde Mercury moves to link with Mars tomorrow, it may feel as if someone’s trying to control you with the questions they ask. But here’s a sure-fire defence: be open, kind and compassion­ate. You’ll emerge more powerful than ever. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

FRIDGES and relationsh­ips have a lot in common. They both need attention. You can’t just leave them alone, hoping that they’ll keep fresh. You need to sort through their contents, clean them up, and throw away anything that is going off. As retrograde Mercury prepares to converge with your ruler, it’s time to relinquish something that was once good, but which is now past its use-by date. Letting go may not be easy, but you’ll make room for a delightful, fresh ingredient. NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WE ALL seem to be less and less tolerant of not having exactly what we need. Surely it’s our right to have what we want, when we want it? Yet, in this world where intoleranc­e seems to reign, there’s a lot to be said for patience and kindness. Generosity of spirit may seem like a mug’s game, but if you’re generous with others — even with your thoughts, they sense it and reflect that feeling back to you. Focus your attention on what other people want and you’ll find that your needs are met too. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

IT IS easier than we think to disempower people. We do it by accident when we help someone rather than letting them learn for themselves. Or, when we show off our expertise to someone who’s learning a new skill. It is difficult to sit quietly, watching someone try to do something we can do with ease. As retrograde Mercury prepares to converge with Venus, it highlights not what you can do already, but the chance to give someone close to you the space to find something out for themselves. NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

WE ALL hold the idea of a perfect relationsh­ip in our minds. We pick this notion up from many sources — romantic fiction, TV commercial­s, rom-coms. Our idea of romance is often coloured by images of fictional characters rather than by real human beings. Your life has been rocked by the actions of someone close to you. But if you think you know what to do next, think again. Are you following a script? A subtle, less dramatic reaction will lead to a far happier conclusion. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WHY does it seem that just when everything starts to go well in one part of your world, it takes a downhill turn in another? Are we all bound by a rule that says that we have to make sacrifices if we want to succeed? Can you get what you want without giving up what you already have? If you’re adaptable and sensitive, then yes! With your ruler retrograde, and linking first with Mars and then Venus, your current scenario feels more complicate­d than it really is. You’re close to a big improvemen­t. NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

THE departure of Mars from Libra, plus the imminent conjunctio­n of your ruler, Venus, with Mercury, suggests a burst of energy is coming. Your choice is how best to use it. If you focus it into determinat­ion, you can move mountains. But if you use it to deepen into a sense of gloom, you could find yourself disappeari­ng into a hole. Powerful emotions are great when they’re used positively, but challengin­g when they’re used to bring us down. Be guided by your common sense today. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

WHEN I was a kid, I had a robot moneybox. When I put a coin in his hand and pushed down, the robot would lift its arm and chomp as the coin slid into its mouth. As the batteries wore down, the actions would slow, and the coin would miss the slot. Mars in your sign is giving you a new set of batteries. That’s wonderful, except that it doesn’t take very much to set you into action! Don’t let your enthusiasm compromise the care you take, or allow you to bite off more than you can chew! NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

A CERTAIN scenario is getting sillier by the second and can’t be allowed to continue. There’s a point that you need to make, and a claim that you need to assert. Luckily, the coming New Moon brings the ability to clear up a misunderst­anding. Meanwhile, what can you do to prepare? Rather than worrying about how tricky it’s going to be, you can put your trust in the efforts you’ve already made. After an initial dramatic moment, it’s going to be more straightfo­rward than you think. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

THINK about all the things you wish you had. Next, think about all the things you have, that you wish you could get rid of. If only you could switch it all around — surely life would be simpler? Ah, but we are contrary folk by nature. There’s nothing quite so enticing as things that are out of reach. Despite Mercury being retrograde, your ruler’s link to Neptune this weekend will bring clarity to your desires, and a chance to get what you really want. It’s worth thinking about your priorities today. NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

SOMETHING that once seemed sensible now seems ridiculous­ly silly. What was once very familiar now seems remote. Something that seemed a part of your distant past is hovering on your horizon. What’s going on? The cosmos is calling you to rethink a past decision. To keep it where it belongs, you simply need to reaffirm it with a clear action. This involves either a change in behaviour, or a change in circumstan­ce. That’s going to be easier than you anticipate. NEW! Your forecast for 2018 is ready! Just give me four minutes and I’ll give you the keys to a great year. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

WHEN you’re preparing to start off on a journey, if the end is in sight, you aren’t planning to go very far. Unless that is, that you’re starting from a mountain top, and heading for another peak. If that’s the case, you can be confident that you’ll encounter many different terrains and challenges along your way. It’s time to be audacious and bold now. As your ruler, Jupiter, prepares to link with Saturn, there’s an adventure awaiting. Just make sure you set your aim far enough ahead. NEW! Your four-minute forecast for 2018. It’s going to be a much better year than you think. Find out why. Call 0906 751 5612.

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