Daily Mail

His VERY undiplomat­ic spat with man from Kremlin


How the row between Boris Johnson and Sergey Lavrov unfolded in Moscow: LAVROV: The person sitting next to me, Boris Johnson, said recently that he had no evidence that Russia meddled in the referendum over Britain’s exit from the European Union. JOHNSON: Not successful­ly, not successful­ly I think is the word. Not successful­ly is the word I think you need to introduce there LAVROV: You see he’s afraid that if he doesn’t contradict me now, when he gets back to the UK his reputation is going to be ruined in the media. JOHNSON: Sergey, it’s your reputation I’m worried about.

LAVROV: Honestly, I cannot remember any actions of Russia that would have been aggressive towards the UK. We hear some aggressive statements from London. Despite all that, we have never taken any aggressive measures to

reciprocat­e. I think you have just made all this up in your Western company.

JOHNSON: It’s a measure of my trust that as soon as I got into this excellent foreign ministry, I immediatel­y handed my coat, my hat, my gloves, and everything in my pockets – secret or otherwise – to Sergey Lavrov, in the knowledge that he would look after it and it would come to no harm.’ LAVROV: I can say that there was nothing in the pockets of Boris’s coat. JOHNSON: So you’ve searched it already?

 ??  ?? Clash: One exchange between Mr Johnson and Mr Lavrov yesterday
Clash: One exchange between Mr Johnson and Mr Lavrov yesterday

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