Daily Mail

Harrogate’s spa could be turned back on by Brexit


HOPES have been raised that tourists could once again be flocking to Harrogate to take the healing sulphur waters after Britain leaves the EU.

The waters fall foul of EU law for human consumptio­n – and even after Brexit they still won’t comply with UK drinking water legislatio­n. But it has been suggested that a little-known local law could allow people to sample the North Yorkshire spa town’s waters post-Brexit.

The 1985 Harrogate Stray Act enables the borough council to provide water for consumptio­n from the Royal Pump Room wells. With two conflictin­g sets of UK laws, the council may be able to turn the taps back on as part of a pump room revamp.

Harrogate boomed as a spa town in the 19th century but in 2012 the council said visitors to the pump room museum could no longer drink the water which was declared ‘unwholesom­e’.

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