Daily Mail



PNEUMONIA affects the alveoli inside the lungs. A chesty cold or bronchitis is an infection of the bronchial tubes or airways.

Pneumonia is much more serious and lasts longer than bronchitis, which people usually get over in two to three weeks. It’s usually caused by bacteria. Bronchitis is almost always a viral illness.

Pneumonia frequently causes a high fever with shaking chills. Bronchitis normally doesn’t.

Pneumonia causes a cough that brings up thick green or bloodtinge­d mucus from the lungs. Bronchitis starts with a dry, hacking cough and, after a few days, a cough

that brings up clear or yellow mucus from the lungs. However, with both disorders, the cough may last for several weeks.

Both bronchitis and pneumonia can cause moderate to severe chest pain when coughing or drawing breath.

With pneumonia, an X-ray can reveal fluid on the lung. Bronchitis normally doesn’t show.

‘Breathless­ness and lethargy are an important sign of pneumonia, too — even in young people — and if someone’s lethargy is getting worse, rather than better, then pnuemonia is more likely,’ says consultant chest physician Dr Richard Russell. ‘Other strong indicators are the production of green discoloure­d sputum or, on occasion, coughing up blood.

‘If in doubt, see your doctor. Don’t wait. Pneumonia is a killer.’

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