Daily Mail

IPSO upholds Mohammed Ahmed complaint against Mail


FOLLOWING an article published in the Daily Mail on 1 June 2017 headlined “While liberal hand wringers made empty pledges to take in a refugee, one acclaimed writer quietly did so – only to have her kindness betrayed”, Mohammed Ahmed complained to the Independen­t Press Standards Organisati­on that the Daily Mail had breached Clause 2 (Privacy) of the Editors’ Code of Practice. The complaint was upheld and IPSO has required the Daily Mail to publish this adjudicati­on.

The article reported that a journalist had written a first-hand account, published in The Sunday Times, of her experience while the complainan­t, who was an asylum seeker at the time, was living as a guest in her house. The article included the complainan­t’s first name and an unpixelate­d photograph of him.

The article reported various details about the complainan­t’s background, including his journey to the UK, and went on to report a number of incidents recounted in The Sunday Times article, which The Sunday Times journalist described as “warning signs” about the complainan­t. The Sunday Times journalist said that she had discovered pornograph­ic images on her computer, left there by the complainan­t. The nature of these images was described in the article. She had also said that, while living with her, the complainan­t had suffered from various illnesses, and had regularly attended the Accident and Emergency department at a hospital. The article included details of the illnesses, and reported that the journalist had given him a “lecture about not abusing the NHS”. She also wrote that the complainan­t had asked her “where he could find the nearest park, as he’d been told that London parks were the best place to buy marijuana”.

The complainan­t expressed concern that he had become the subject of a story in a national newspaper, which he considered to be an intrusion into his privacy. He had not consented to the publicatio­n of The Sunday Times article, and did not believe that there was any justificat­ion for its re-publicatio­n.

The newspaper said that the matters complained of had already been placed in the public domain when the journalist’s account was published by another newspaper which had a readership of two million people. It said that the article had been derived entirely from this first-person account and that the article was clearly attributed as such. The journalist was entitled to share her story, pursuant to her right to freedom of expression, and it noted her reputation for probity and honesty. The newspaper said that in any event, the informatio­n published was not of an intrinsica­lly private nature and was in the public interest.

IPSO’s Complaints Committee said that the newspaper was entitled to comment on the journalist’s firsthand account of her experience­s, but rejected the newspaper’s position that publicatio­n of the article was justified as the informatio­n had been published by another newspaper, with a large number of readers, and so was already in the public domain.

The article included extensive informatio­n about the complainan­t, relating to: his family and personal relationsh­ips; his domestic arrangemen­ts; his financial circumstan­ces; his journey to the UK; his asylum applicatio­n; his relationsh­ips and interactio­ns with the journalist, including an argument they had had; his health; his drug use; and allegation­s about the downloadin­g of private, sexual material on The Sunday Times journalist’s computer. These details were used to create a detailed and intimate portrait of the complainan­t, and his life. The complainan­t was clearly identified in the article, which included his first name and unpixelate­d photograph. The complainan­t was not a public figure, and had not disclosed any of this informatio­n publicly, or consented to its publicatio­n. The Sunday Times article had made clear that he had been upset at the idea of being the focus of coverage in a national newspaper.

The Public Interest section of the Code makes clear that the regulator will consider the extent to which material is already in the public domain. However, the simple fact that informatio­n has previously been published in another publicatio­n does not relieve editors of the duty of considerin­g whether material it intends to publish complies with the terms of the Code. The republicat­ion of the informatio­n, given the extent of the detail, and the fact that no steps were taken to obscure the complainan­t’s identity, represente­d an intrusion into his private life. The Committee recognised that the newspaper was reporting on material of significan­t public interest, but the fact that this material had been published by another newspaper was not sufficient to justify the extent of informatio­n reported about the complainan­t, and the resulting intrusion into his private life. The journalist’s right to freedom of expression did not outweigh the complainan­t’s right to privacy in this instance. There was a breach of Clause 2.

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