Daily Mail

His letter: I am no saint


‘I AM not perfect, I am not a saint – I am a man of flesh and blood, and have made mistakes (not easy to admit), and I am deeply ashamed.

‘I indeed admitted to investigat­ors that I had three times intimate contact in my house.

‘It was, in my opinion, a mature honorable lady, not an earthquake victim and no prostitute, whom I had met since I supported her young sister and very young mother with diapers and powdered milk. I never gave them money ... I also had frequent visits from a language prof (a lady), my driver, the younger brother, sisters and grandmothe­r of the young lady in question.

‘There were also frequent attempts by ladies and gentlemen to enter my house with all sorts of excuses ... to ask for money, to offer a job ... or sexual services. (Should I have lied ????) I never accepted those advances.

‘I have never visited ... a brothel, nightclub or bar in the city or this country.

‘I offered my resignatio­n for the following reasons:

‘ 1. I should indeed have acted harder and faster when the rumours had spread. I found and still find this a lack in my leadership,

‘2. Through my relationsh­ip with the lady I fed the rumors that I was also involved in such scandals (i.e. the parties or prostituti­on visit). As director I should have given the example and I had compromise­d the organisati­on and myself.

‘3. I had already been in dispute with Oxfam for technical matters before and the facts above made up the barrel.’

His letter concluded with a condemnati­on of sex parties with prostitute­s as ‘reprehensi­ble’ and stating his support for punishing any offenders. He also expressed concern that the crisis with Oxfam could now threaten its work.

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