Daily Mail

Similariti­es to mad cow disease


EVIDENCE is growing that Alzheimer’s disease has similariti­es to the human form of ‘mad cow disease’ – CJD.

Both conditions are linked to rogue proteins which act like seeds and spread in the brain. CJD has been transmitte­d through blood transfusio­ns and surgery, as well as human hormones given to children to treat growth problems. Different sets of surgical instrument­s are now used for people born before and after January 1997. This means younger people are not operated on with instrument­s used to treat older patients, as advised by watchdog Nice, in response to CJD concerns. Instrument­s used on those thought to be at risk are used only once or taken out of circulatio­n following the procedure.

Fears of a link with Alzheimer’s have led surgeons to suggest similar surgery precaution­s might be needed.

Prions, proteins that spread in CJD, are similar to the amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer’s, and are thought to be resistant to disinfecta­nts used on surgical tools in the past.

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