Daily Mail

‘I’m living proof these drugs work’


AMY PAY was first prescribed antidepres­sants while studying for her A-levels, after suffering from a combinatio­n of severe depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder since she was a young teenager.

‘I was in a really bad place,’ she said. ‘I thought that I was not going to reach my 18th birthday.’ Amy, 26, says she hesitated before taking antidepres­sants, but made the decision after consulting a psychiatri­st.

She has now been taking sertraline for eight years, which she combines with cognitive behavioura­l therapy when she feels the need.

Medication helped her thrive at Cardiff University and she left with a First in English Literature.

‘I’m living proof that antidepres­sants work. Around a decade ago I hit rock bottom. Without medication and intensive support back then, I wouldn’t be here now,’ says Amy, who is now a freelance journalist.

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