Daily Mail



what to do

IF YOU spend a lot of time sitting down or hunching over your phone, a ‘standing wall angel’ is great for improving posture, says trainer Nadya Fairweathe­r ( u-shape.co.uk). Stand against the wall with your arms bent at a 90degree angle, level with your shoulders, with your tailbone and shoulders touching the wall. Raise your arms straight above your head, then lower them back down to the starting position. Repeat 12-15 times, done slowly, so that you keep the backs of your hands and fingers gliding along the wall.

what to eat

TO HELP youself stand taller, Shona Wilkinson ( shonawilki­nson.com) recommends the following posture-boosting foods. Try drinking a glass of kefir, daily. This unique dairy product is packed with good bacteria, as well as high levels of calcium, which is crucial to keep our bones and spine healthy. Mushrooms can also help with this, as they are one of the few foods which contain Vitamin D. This helps to facilitate the absorption of calcium, promote bone health and prevent back ache. Lastly, natto is a traditiona­l Japanese food made from soy beans. It is high in Vitamin K2 which helps protect bones and reduce bone loss. what to wear

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