Daily Mail

More fines? Rubbish!


THE detritus dumped out of cars and by pedestrian­s is appalling, but in my area I have never seen one prosecutio­n for dropping litter. Doubling fines is a nonsense if there is no means of enforcing them.

Every day I pick up plastic and glass bottles, coffee cups, even disposable nappies chucked from cars onto grass verges in my village.

It’s disgusting not only for the residents who have to put up with it, but also the fact that the litter louts get away scot-free.

NIGEL WALSH, address supplied. WILL doubling littering fines make the streets any cleaner? Of course not. The revenue is collected by private companies who will use it to enrich their fat- cat bosses and shareholde­rs.

CRAIG LOAN, Waterloovi­lle, Hants.

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