Daily Mail

How drawings can help spot dementia early


DRAWINgS of a human figure could be a new way to diagnose patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Drawing an object relies on people rememberin­g what it looks like. This uses a skill known as executive function, which deteriorat­es in Alzheimer’s patients.

Italian researcher­s told a group of around 300 people — who either had Alzheimer’s, mild cognitive impairment ( a precursor to dementia), or were healthy — to draw a human figure on A4 paper and then compared the pictures.

The researcher­s found that the drawings by Alzheimer’s patients were smaller, less detailed (for example, had no nose, arms or legs) and had a high head-to-body ratio, compared to healthy controls.

Writing in the journal Neurologic­al Sciences, they said that this drawing is a useful screening tool.

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