Daily Mail



WHat do you bid next on this strong hand? FiRSt remember that, once a suit has been agreed, the bid of another suit is a cue-bid, showing first round control in the suit.

So 4 ♥ guarantees the ace or void in hearts. Furthermor­e, partner would not make a cue-bid just because he had an outside control. He is sending a message he is interested in more than just game, otherwise he could have raised to 4 ♠ .

With all your controls, you are delighted to get this message, and you confirm the good news about slam interest by making a return cue-bid.

You choose the suit of your lowest-ranking firstround control (outside of the agreed trump suit), in this case 5 ♣ . When you next hear partner make a repeat cue-bid of 5 ♥ , he has given you the chance to show your priceless singleton ♦ A, and you respond 6 ♦ . North holds ♠ KQJxxx ♥ -

♦ Kxxxx, ♣ Kx and has no hesitation in bidding the Grand Slam.

When these hands cropped up in a match, South was not so helpful in describing his hand properly. First, he raised to 2 ♠ then, despite partner’s forcing cue-bid (3 ♥ ), raised to 4 ♠ and passed North’s further try with 5 ♠ ! this is a candidate for Most Negative Bidding of the Year Award!

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