Daily Mail

Meter made


SMART meters are certainly not compulsory (Letters). You do not need to have one fitted, even if your energy supplier tries to pressure you.

If your meter needs replacing, you can demand the supplier disables the communicat­ion functions, so you don’t have to worry that your supply could be cut off at head office.

You will need to provide meter readings, but that can be done online or by phone. MICHAEL PERRY, Trowbridge, Wilts. AS A retired electrical engineer, I believe the ultimate purpose of smart meters is to do with renewable — and hence intermitte­nt — energy sources.

It will be possible to adjust tariffs instantly in accordance with how much electricit­y is available. When the wind doesn’t blow, electricit­y will be expensive.

Yes, there will be text alerts so consumers can save money by running their washing machines when electricit­y is plentiful. But there will also be the possibilit­y that you could be cut off without notice for non-payment (if the Russians don’t cut us all off first). HAROLD ARMITAGE, Cradley, Herefordsh­ire.

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